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Events for Algorhythm 2004
Detailed Information


Goal-Maal (Ad Bazar)
Ever seen the cola war in your fridge? And the bleeding edge race to deliver speed and power? If so, come and show your caliber.
• Two – Three member team from each college

Tune yourself with the hottest rhythm of Antakshari, but with a different beat!!!
• One three member team per college.

Dance.... the loftiest, the most moving, the most beautiful of the arts, because it is no more translation or abstraction from life; it’s life itself.
• One team, comprising 4-6 members, per college.
• Each team will be given 7(6+1) minutes for the performance.
• Each team has to carry its own material.

Three Stripes (Debate)
Let's not talk, rather bludgeon one another with facts and theories

Turncoat Debate
• Only one participant (female) per college is allowed.
• The participant has to speak for and against the topic.
• The time allotted to each participant for the entire event is 6 (5+1) minutes.
• Topic: Current Fashion Trend - Dressing Up or Dressing Down

General Debate
• Only one participant per college is allowed.
• The participant has to speak either for or against the topic.
• The time allotted to each participant for the entire event is 6 (5+1) minutes.
• Topic will be announced an hour before the event.

Tom-Tom (Just A Minute)
See, who’s got lesser number of grains in his bush of chaff!!!

Dumb Charades
Actions speak louder than words. Is your action worth IT? Come prove it……………………
• One 3-member team per college

Frost Byte (General Quiz)
Get in the arena where the masterminds from all colleges fight it out in the 'battle of the brains'.
• One team per college
• Three participants per team

Allied Assault (Chess)
Got struck in the quagmire... Make the chess board your battle field! No bloodshed, no terror, only the triumph at last.
• One Participant per College

Hell-ix!! (DJ Night)
Tired????? Go To Hell…………OOPS!!! Hell-ix!!
Let your feet hear your heart, not the stupid HEAD.

Come … Attach your vocal cords to your soul and we’ll lend ears to our hearts.
Eastern and Western Vocals
• Only one team, comprising 4-6 members, per college.
• Teams should arrange for their instruments.
* Time given to each team is 6 (5+1) minutes.

Opalescence (Poster Painting)
One picture is worth more than a thousand words. What does yours say???
• Individual participation and not more than two entries per college allowed.
• Topics will be given at the venue.
• One has to carry one’s own material (except paper).

Chronicles (Creative Writing)
A drop of ink makes a million think. How many can your ink make think.
• Topic will be given on the spot.
• One participant per college.
• Time allotted is one hour.

Resurrect (Cartooning Competition)
Let the world see how you look upon it!!!
• Individual participation and not more than two entries per college allowed.
• Topics will be given at the venue.
• One has to carry one’s own material (except paper)

No Stone……
Only Rock!!
(College Band Competition)
Hey Gals! No Rubber Bands please! We have got the better ones!!

Cynosure (Mehndi)
Caught red-handed! But sorry sir, no punishment this time!! This blood of Henna, possessing the color of renunciation with it, would surely radiate joy through your hands.
• One team per college consisting of Two members.


Pepper Paper (Paper Presentation Contest)

• Contestants may submit the paper in .xsw, .pdf, .ps, .doc format (by e-mail to by 5th January.
• Final intimation will reach you by on or before January 10th.
• Contestants short listed by judges for the finals would be required to make a final presentation before the judges, and elucidate their ideas.
• All statistical results must be clearly mentioned.
• Previous research work on the topics should be mentioned.
• A LCD and Slide projector will be provided.

Geekdom Redefined! (System Design Contest)
• A team may consist of maximum 3 members.
• For topics, refer to our website,
• Submit your ideas with adequate diagrams and/or reasonable figures by 5th of January to, for hard copies refer to our website.
• Soft copy format should be in .xsw, .pdf, .ps, .doc, .ppt or any other conventional electronic format.
• Top few entries, based on ranking of our judges, will be intimated by mail to participate in the final round.
• Final intimation will reach you by mail on or before 10th of January.
• It is advised to prepare a formal presentation for your proposal before coming to the contest.
• A LCD and Slide projector will be provided.

Shaastra (Open Software Design)

Date: circa getSystemDate(Dawn of (!mankind))
Pandora’s Box let out all the evils of the world – Java, C++, C, XML, VXML, C#, PHP, Python , GTK+ , TCL, PVM, VRML …ad infinitum.

• Any number of teams, consisting of any number of participants, from a college.
• We provide you with Linux 7.x, Win 98/2k, DOS.
• You must bring your entire code documented.
• You must also bring along with you setup files / make files.
• The software must be complete with your claimed functionality and should be in a ready to install and use stage.
• Other hardware requirements, software requirements, electronic gadgets and other such utilities must be brought by you.

Net-Triks (Website Design Competition)

Cannot find server!!
Apache/1.3.12 Server at Port 80.

Ever felt you can do a better job of designing websites? Here’s your chance. Webcrawlers are waiting for you…
• A Website is to be prepared on any of the 2 displayed topics in the website.
• Any entry can have a maximum of three participants.
• The Size of the Webpage should not exceed 80KB.

Know-All-Edge (IT Quiz)

Knowledge is Power. Well…. we’ll see how “powerful” the top Tech nerds and geeks of colleges can get at Know-All-Edge, the I.T. Quiz at Algorhythm 2004. The triumphant one shall be crowned undisputed Emperor of all geekdom!!! Interested??
• 3-member team.
• Any number of teams from a college.

Digital Chaos
(ON SPOT and PRE DEFINED Programming Contest)

234 Segmentation Faults…
177 re-compilations…
234 x 177 debugging sessions…..

If, after such ordeals, you still say “Sir, I’m not just a coder, I’m a Hackersmith” then this one’s for you…

• Judge would be a Linux based Machine which would compile your solutions using a gcc compiler; platform would be Windows 98 or Linux.
• Duration of the contest would be 4 hrs.
• You can use books or note-books but use of electronic media (floppy, CD) for help is strictly prohibited.
• Points will be awarded to only fully correct entries.

Draggers Drawn (Battle of Brains)

An event that promises to take you on an Odyssey. (Puzzle Contest)
• Any number of teams, each comprising 2 members, from a college.

Xtreme Xtricate (Quake 3 Tournament)

“Think you can frag me, you better think again, I am eternal terror, and my quest will never end.”

Tom Araya, SLAYER

• Individual Participation.
• Any number of participants allowed from a college.

Tom-n-Xery (Tech debate)

Windows and Linux: letting cats for others pigeons or still the second choice. Get in the hot hassle
of the undeclared and the undecidable.

• Individual participation.
• Two participants allowed from a college.

Guru speak (The Seminars)

For the “geeks” inside u, check out some of the brightest brains of the country as they speak on some of the most relevant topics today.

Proposed Topics for the seminar:
1. Parallel and distributed systems leading to Intelligent Systems
2. Business Intelligence
3. Ethical Hacking – The True Hacker Perspective
4. GSM, GPRS and CDMA – Telecommunications
5. Networks and Protocols
6. Public Key Cryptography
7. Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks.
8. Embedded Technologies.



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